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New to Cowboy Action Shooting?
Three Options:
1.    Watch a 3rd Saturday Match & Tour the Hill Country
Make a day of it in Blanco and Fredericksburg. Visit our beautiful 128-acre working ranch, 7 miles west of Blanco and 29 miles from Fredericksburg. Bring your family and friends. Great views of the Hill Country from our Western Town, which is also the Caballeros’ range. Visit the excellent Main Street Donut Shop in Blanco on your way in. 
Watch the match for an hour or more. Matches start at 9:00 am and end between 12 and 1. Shooters compete in Old West Costumes with Old West Guns. No admission charge for visitors. Western costumes are not required for visitors. Eye and ear protection is provided as you watch the shootin’ match from the Saloon, the Hotel, the Gallows, or from any of our other western stages. After the match, our range officers are available to demonstrate their Old West rifles, shotguns, and pistols. Restrooms are available. 
Visit Market Day in Blanco from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. Crafts booths line the old- fashioned Town Square and the Old Courthouse where True Grit was filmed. Many restaurants are around the square.   
Continue with a Wine Tour to Fredericksburg with excellent dining and shopping. 
Or Visit Blanco River State Park a few blocks from the Square. 
2.    New Shooter’s Orientation Class
Take a class on the 3rd Saturday of each month. Classes are also on the 5th Saturday (when there is one). Guns, instruction, leather and ammo is provided. Call or text Judge Menday Coming at 512.964.9955 for more information and class registration.
3.    Experienced Shooters
If you are already familiar with Cowboy Action Shooting, just come shoot the match with us on the 3rd Saturday.  Experienced shooters who are not familiar with Cowboy Action Shooting can join the club and arrange a practice session at the range. Call or text River Ben at ‭(210) 260-0093‬ for more information.

© 2022 by Tejas Caballeros

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